International Institute of Business Analysis TORONTO
Blueprint Software Meetup - Analyze User Stories
May 31st
6 pm to 7:30 pm
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Blueprint Software
90 Eglinton Avenue East
Suite 700, Toronto, ON
We have two presenters lined up! ONE Cole Cioran Program Manager Requirements Definition and Management Blueprint Software
Cole is the Program Manager – Requirements Definition and Management at Blueprint Software. He also participate as part of the business analysis community by being part of the IIBA Toronto leadership team as VP Mentoring. Come back for more on mentoring soon!
How to Analyze User Stories Summary: You have a list of user stories so analysis is done, right? Not if you want to be successful. This is the kind of thinking that led the Boston Consulting Group to write, “Some of the biggest project failures we have seen involved Agile development deployed in the context of poorly defined business requirements.” Do you need to make sure that you do the right thing and deliver what your organization gets full value from it’s Agile investment? If so, join Cole Cioran from Blueprint Professional Services Tuesday, May 31 for a whiteboard session on how to analyze User Stories and make sure you do the right thing!
Sean Motlagh Senior Product Manager Blueprint Software
Generating User Stories with Storyteller
Summary: Blueprint Storyteller diminishes time and effort expended, reduces rework and resolves communication gaps. Storyteller also removes the bottleneck of the PO having to understand everything and brings more people into the process, which enhances collaboration and improves project success. With Storyteller, everyone is engaged, and all stories are interconnected, from the original business need, through to the systems that deliver on that need – ensuring complete alignment. Stories are reliable and consistent, and there is no longer a need to expend time and resources to train your team on how to write them.
More on Storyteller by Blueprint Software Come and learn and network!
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