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IIBA Toronto Speaker Series - September 23 with Natasha Kordonska

  • 23 Sep 2015
  • 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
  • School of Design, 230 Richmond Street East, Toronto, ON


  • Member in good standing of the IIBA Toronto Chapter
  • Not currently an IIBA Toronto Member. $20 if pre registered. $30 at the door. Online registration closes at 5 PM on the day of the event.

Registration is closed


You likely should be going here to register for the IIBA Toronto November Speaker Series with Kevin Brennan.

Use Cases, 
Business Rules, 
Data + User

Interface Mockups

How it All Ties Together


Event Particulars

Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Time: 5:30 – 8:00 pm

Registration / Networking: 5:30 – 6:15 pm

Newcomers/About Us: 6:00 - 6:15 pm

Brainstorming: 6:15 - 6:25 pm

Chapter News: 6:25 – 6:30 pm

Presentation: 6:30 – 8:00 pm


School of Design 

230 Richmond Street East

George Brown College

St. James Campus


School entrance on east side 

of building in laneway


So, you have learned all the excellent techniques to define your functional requirements. You drafted your use cases, covered all of your business rules, captured your data dictionary and even mocked up some user interface wireframes. Now what? Will you just put them all together into a requirements package or is there a way to make them relate to each other and illustrate a single cohesive model of all functional requirements?

In this event you will learn a simple and effective way to tie all these artifacts together and create a complete and integrated model of what the future solution needs to address. Each individual view, such as use cases, business rules or data contributes to a multi-dimensional model that demonstrates different perspectives of the complete solution.

In addition, this technique helps you uncover the gaps or inconsistencies in each individual component, so you not only complete the full package, but complete each individual component within the package by tying them to others.

This technique had been successfully practiced on hundreds of projects, by dozens of business analysts who can learn and implement it in no time, and who does not like an "easy button"?

Learning Objectives

  • Tie use cases, business rules, data and user interface requirements together
  • Create a multi-dimensional view of complete set of requirements
  • Use tying requirements together as a way of uncovering gaps and inconsistencies

This presentation will create outputs of the types required for Tim Hannan's October 2015 Speaker Series presentation.


Natasha Kordonska

Senior Manager

Business Architecture

TD Bank

Natasha Kordonska leads a team of business analysts and business architects for the Wealth Management line of business within TD Bank. She has previously created and led a business analysis practice management team, pioneered centres of excellence and communities of practice and worked as a consulting business analyst and a requirements consultant on hundreds of projects. 

Natasha has multiple years of experience in formal and informal training, coaching and mentoring business analysts including developing and delivering IIBA certified internal requirements training program. 

A CBAP member since 2008, Natasha had been a champion of the Business Analyst profession by regularly presenting at the IIBA Toronto chapter and Project Management Business Analysis World conference.

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